Sunday, December 23, 2012

Harum Scarum Five Alarum

Long-time readers of my blog know what's coming, a Christmas tradition here since ought-six. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, and thanks for being my friends and reading my stuff.

And now, a reading from what for my money is, pound for pound, the best comic strip ever (yep, I'd even put it up against "Peanuts," and it'd be rude of you to argue with me during the holidays): "Pogo" by Walt Kelly:

Bark us all bow-wows of folly,
Polly wolly cracker n' too-da-loo!
Hunky Dory's pop is lolly
gaggin' on the wagon,
Willy, folly go through!
Donkey Bonny brays a carol,
Antelope Cantaloup, 'lope with you!
Chollie's collie barks at Barrow,
Harum scarum five alarum bung-a-loo!

--Walt Kelly


  1. I had been waiting for this! Merry Christmas, everyone!

  2. I don't care what the calendar says, NOW we can open the presents.

  3. I generally skip through the Christmas carol parodies in comix. I don't know why it's because they invariably break scansion or because they're never really very inventive or simply because they aren't Walt Kelly. Which includes the other two.
