Monday, August 10, 2009

Ein Fantastisches Comic

A busy, busy, busy week for me. How busy? This busy:


My book got a nice review on a German website called "Nerdcore," courtesy of Rene. As Rene so aptly concluded his review:

Ich glaube, an der Stelle ist es mir zum ersten mal beim Lesen eines Comics kalt den Rücken runtergelaufen, wahnsinn! Ein absolut fantastisches Comic, das anhand der realen Geschichte die fiktive Geschichte eines Vaters und seines Sohnes erzählt, dabei psychologische Untertöne nicht vergisst und die realen Vorgänge subtil und wunderbar einbindet. Wenn Ihr was mit Space Age, Retrofuturismus und Raumfahrt anfangen könnt (und welcher Nerdcore-Leser kann das nicht!): Unbedingt kaufen, bestes Comic dieses Jahr bisher.

Who could argue with that? If you couldn't quite follow, here's the reliably humorous BabelFish translation:

I believe, at the place it to me for the first time during the reading of a Comics coldly the backs down-ran, insanity! An absolutely fantastisches Comic, which tells the fictitious history of a father and its son on the basis material history, psychological undertones does not forget and the material procedures subtly and marvelously merges. If your which with space Age, Retrofuturismus and space can begin (and which Nerdcore reader can do that not!): Absolutely buy, best Comic this year so far.

Danke, Rene.

1 comment:

ronnie said...

Nice review! I have found that Google Language Tools tend to provide better translations than Babelfish, but upon running your paragraph through Google, I got an almost exactly identical English translation. But it did end off with this:

"the best comic so far this year"

A tidier translation and a very astute observation, je pense.
