Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Intellectual Life #21

A Peek into the Intimate Intellectual Life of a Long-Married Couple, Part 21:

Karen and I notice a covered box, like a small bench, on a neighbor's front porch.

Karen: I wonder if that's for putting packages in, like Fed Ex or UPS, so people don't see them stacked up by your front door.

Brian: Or it could be full of murder hornets that would swarm out and sting you to death.

Karen: Or Christmas presents.

Brian: Or a loaded crossbow! You open the lid and PFFTTT, right between the eyes!

Karen: Really?

Brian: If you open that lid, it's your own fault.

Karen: This is the difference between girls and boys. I was thinking nice things, like ribbons and bows.

Brian: I was thinking of bows, too! Crossbows!

Karen (much later): That bow thing should be a peek into the intimate intellectual life of a long-married couple!

Brian: Really? You don't think it makes me sound kind of stupid?


This has been a peek into the intimate intellectual life of a long-married couple.

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