Carrier Con Photo Dump: What a nice day aboard the USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum for Carrier Con 2024, which I attended mostly to take part in a conversation with ElfQuest's Wendy and Richard Pini that a hundred or so people came to watch.
I last went to Carrier Con in 2022, and the event has grown a lot in both attendees and vendors/participants. It's hard to make a cavernous aircraft carrier hangar deck feel snug--the last time I can recall was a special visit by Buzz Aldrin--but it did today. Although Carrier Con is growing, it's still a sweet, sincere little convention.
I think my panel with the Pinis went very well; they were happy and we got great feedback. Immodestly, I think the fact that I'm in the same line of work produced some gems that others wouldn't have mined.
I'd say it was a very successful day and I was happy to be a part of it. Pics!
The Hornet's manga-styled mascot welcomed visitors at the entrance. I love the stickers on her duffle bag: they're the historic crew-made signs that greeted the astronauts of Apollos 11 and 12 when they returned from the Moon, which are currently on display on the Hornet and which I have held in my hands. |
Fun on the flight deck. Many participants came up here to do photo shoots, including the character running off to the right and the guy waving the giant sword in the center. Note the San Francisco skyline across the Bay. |
A wide view of my conversation with the Pinis, shot by my daughter Robin. |
A closer view of the panel, also by Robin. |
An even CLOSER view, shot by me! |
The line to meet and talk to Wendy and Richard following our talk. ElfQuest fans are usually dedicated, and the Pinis return the love. |
An overview of part of the hangar deck. |
Some cosplayers: Alligator Loki and Captain America. |
An impressive couple. |
Admiral on the bridge! Well, near the bridge. |
This young woman creeped me the hell out. Marvelous! |
A corner of artist's alley, where I bought a couple of books to help keep up-and-comers up and coming. |
I took my leave as the Sun set on another good day aboard the Hornet. |
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