Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Dog That Didn't Bark

I rarely post about current events for two reasons: nobody cares what I think, nor should they, and; I've never seen a Facebook post change anyone's mind. Still, I have two unrelated observations with a common thread:

1. Watching the Democratic National Convention, I've seen Barack and Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter's grandson, JFK's grandson, and all sorts of governors, senators and representatives. More are forthcoming.

In contrast, where were George W. and Laura Bush at the Republican Convention? Where were Dick Cheney and Dan Quayle? Descendants of Ford, Reagan, Bush or Bush? Where was Mike Pence--oh yeah, his former boss tried to murder him. 

It's a very stark contrast between a political party and a former political party that's become a one-man cult of personality. I think the list of people who DON'T show up is as interesting as the list of those who do.

2. Similarly, I'm fascinated by what ISN'T happening in the Middle East, namely that Iran hasn't carried out its promised retribution against Israel for the death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. Like Sherlock Holmes in the story "Silver Blaze," I am struck by the silence of the dog that didn't bark. 

Although this thought could be rendered obsolete at any second, it seems to me that there must be frantic diplomacy happening behind the scenes, probably involving the U.S. and several other countries, scrambling hard to keep the lid on this mess. Somebody's been talking to Iran and making it very clear to them where their larger interests lie.

In art it's called "negative space," the shape of the nothing around something you're drawing. Your geopolitical thought of the day: "nothing" can be as revealing as "something."

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