Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Naked Emperor

Fair Warning: Political Post! Yesterday at a town hall meeting in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump decided that instead of taking questions from the audience, he would play them songs from his playlist while he danced along. For 39 minutes. 

Trump called out songs to his "DJ," probably some poor kid backstage holding an iPhone, and then did his stupid fisty swaying dance while urging the crowd to dance along. Again, for 39 minutes. 

At a town hall where he was meant to talk with swing-state voters.

I mention this because my jaw is still dropped and I'm not seeing the mainstream media making a big deal about it. Just imagine . . . imagine if Kamala Harris or Joe Biden had walked into a town hall meeting with voters, cranked up their tunes, danced alone in the center of the stage for more than half an hour, and then left. It'd be a top headline for weeks, while Republicans--and many Democrats--would scream that they were mentally unfit to run and serve.

They'd be right. And they'd be right now.

This should be Trump's "Emperor's New Clothes" moment in which his unfitness is inarguably exposed for all to see, but I doubt it will be. Just look at South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on stage with him. In video she looks confused but completely plays along, clapping her hands and doing the "YMCA" dance. That's the problem: everybody still plays along while the naked emperor dances.

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