Thursday, August 8, 2024

Tim Walz Fixed Your Bicycle

I'm really enjoying the ton of Tim Walz memes zipping around. America's Foster Dad. This is my favorite so far, although I'm peeved that Walz stole the stud-finder move that I, personally, invented. 

Related, I've read more serious articles talking about how he embodies what real masculinity is about: not the strutting, domineering, macho bully sort, but the secure, caring, quiet sort. As they say, a real man doesn't need to tell you what a real man he is. In contrast to "toxic masculinity," I saw it called "tonic masculinity," and like that a lot. 

Politics is gonna get real, there will be disappointments, and we have difficult and even dangerous days ahead, but what a relief it is to let it be FUN for a bit. 

I found this meme at . Refresh the page repeatedly for more.


Bookworm said...

What fun! Thanks for the link. (Actually it isn't working right now. I'm betting the server crashed from all the traffic. But I found the t-shirts.) I like "Tim Walz knows you tried your best and he's proud of you." It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Brian Fies said...

Bookworm, thanks! I just tried the link and it was slow, but eventually came around. I bet they're getting a lot of visits.