Saturday, December 9, 2023

Onward Christian Soldiers

From the Spitting Into The Wind Dept.: Someone on a local history group moaned that they missed the days when they could wish someone a "Merry Christmas" without triggering woke snowflakes. I replied:

There is no war on Christmas. One cranky person who once said something to somebody you know is not a "war."

Christmas is healthier than ever. More music, decorations, TV shows (Hallmark channel is nothing but), movies, sales, etc. etc. It comes earlier every year. Big stores like Costco, Target and Home Depot put out Christmas stuff before Halloween's even over. Christmas dominates the culture; no other holiday or event is even close. It's bigger than Thanksgiving, Halloween, the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the Olympics combined. Say "Merry Christmas" to whomever you want. Nobody cares.

Here's the thing: some people WANT you to think there's a war on Christmas. They want to make you mad about problems they completely made up. Think about who those people are and why they want you mad. Spoiler alert: it's not because they care about Christmas.