Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Say, Jim!

A Peek into the Intimate Intellectual Life of a Long-Married Couple, Part 20:

Karen and I are walking our dog, Riley, when we wave to a neighbor named Jim half a block ahead.

Brian (not loud enough for Jim to hear): Say, Jim! That's a BAD outfit!

Karen (puzzled): Is that a thing?

Brian: It's from the first Christopher Reeve "Superman" movie.

Karen: Ohhhkaaaay.

Brian: When Clark Kent runs into a revolving door to change into Superman, and he comes out and there's a pimp who says, "Say, Jim! That's a BAD outfit!"

Karen: Uh huh.

Brian: Then Superman says, "Excuse me," and flies away.


Brian: I think of it whenever I meet someone named Jim.


Brian: This is why A.I. will never replace human beings.

Karen: It might be an improvement.

This has been a peek into the intimate intellectual life of a long-married couple. 

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