Friday, December 22, 2023

Adventures in Slumberland

"Little Nemo in Slumberland" by Winsor McCay, one of the three or four best cartoonists who ever lifted a pen.

I hate it when people share their dreams as if they're interesting and anybody else would care. Anyway, I had this weird dream last night....

It was the classic anxiety dream about being in college and late to class but realizing you don't remember where the class is and also you've forgotten to attend the entire semester. Last night's twist was that, within the dream, I thought to myself, "Hey, this is just like that classic anxiety dream about being in college and late to class!" And then I tried to test the situation by examining the world around me and asking myself questions to determine whether I was dreaming or awake--and I concluded I was awake!

It wasn't quite a lucid dream, in which you realize you're dreaming and guide the story. I've had those and they're fun. In fact, it was kind of the opposite, in which I wondered if I were dreaming and decided, "Nah! This is real life! Better get to class!" 

Now I'm not sure if I'm really awake and writing this. Further research is needed.

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